Sunday, December 29, 2019

Happy Holidays from Haile Resort

Happy Holidays from Haile Resort in Hawassa! My holiday gift from family was money for two nights in this paradise! After this, I'll go to Addis for "Resource Volunteer" training (serving as a resource for the incoming group of Peace Corps Trainees). Ethiopian Christmas is January 8, so I'll be at site for that celebration.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Grassroots Soccer club graduated

Today our Grassroots Soccer club graduated! For 11 sessions my counterpart and I used soccer to teach about HIV, lifeskills and gender. Today the students role played situations where they resisted risks to HIV, then we had speeches and certificate distribution. We had a lot of fun in this program and the students also learned about and discussed many important things. So proud of them!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Tea shop at my site (with owner) where I buy sambusas - delicious fried things with lentils and onion inside.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


One step in making food from inset, the false banana plant, is fermenting it in containers made from its leaves and bark. Inset is a staple food in Sidama and in other parts of southern Ethiopia.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Health Post

This is one of the Health Posts at my site, where Health Extension Workers weigh babies, administer vaccinations, counsel about and provide family planning methods, keep family health records, and provide health education on water, sanitation, hygiene and nutrition.