Here is some more information about the work that I'll be doing in Ethiopia as a Community Health Peace Corps Volunteer.
Project Purpose:
To improve individual and family health in Ethiopia through strengthened health practices and care seeking behaviors.
Goal One:
Improved household water, sanitation, hygiene and nutrition. Parents and caregivers will adopt healthy behaviors to improve the health status of children under 5 years of age.
Projects include:
1. Training on latrine maintenance
2. Training on hand washing
3. Training on face washing
4. Handwashing stations constructed
5. Individuals trained in household environmental sanitation
6. Education on exclusive breast-feeding and complimentary feeding
7. Education on nutritional needs of children from 12-59 months
Goal Two:
Improved school water, sanitation, hygiene, and adolescent and youth reproductive health. Students will adopt behaviors to reduce risk of water, sanitation and hygiene-related diseases and to improve adolescent and youth reproductive health practices.
Projects include:
1. Training on handwashing
2. Training on latrine maintenance
3. School health clubs that cover topics such as:
- menstrual hygiene
- life skills
- empowering girls (self-esteem, assertiveness, etc)
- HIV/STI prevention
- anatomy and puberty
- sexual and reproductive health